Endeavor Age of Sail

Endeavor: Age of Sail is a strategy board game for 2-5 players set in the historic Age of Sail. Because this game allows players to do so much within the game, there are a ton of components…so our job was to make sure that all of those components had a home and stayed organized.
Game Trayz storage for Endeavor: Age of Sail comes in many forms. First, we had to design a base insert to hold cards, player boards and tokens. Next, we created a tray specifically for the building tiles that features a custom embossed lid, as well as 5 individual player trays, also with lids. A game as big in scope as Endeavor: Age of Sails requires a storage solution to match…and with our custom Game Trayz, instead of spending your time setting up your game, you can get right to playing it!
1-5 players
10+ years old